An awning rail makes things easy

So this is something I have just not bothered with for no real reason just because it wasn’t a priority, when we had the first awning I used a magnetic strip which worked well but I sold it with the awning and not sure it would have been strong enough for the current solution I have.

So I headed to eBay and ordered some awning rail and sikaflex 221 So I could stick it to the side of the van, having the hightop is great as I could gain a little bit extra height. I gave the van a good clean put two beads of sikaflex onto the rail and place the rail onto the van. I left some masking tape on just to make sure it didn’t drop as coming in three pieces if they were not lined up it could cause an issue sliding the awning into it.

Following up with a bit more reasoning on this decision was that I have had a awning / tarp from Aldi which has only been used once when testing and the few trips away I have not even bothered to set it up because it is such an effort. This an other things has really made me see that if it is not convenient I do not use it so how could I make it easy to erect on my own which it certainly wasn’t.

So by adding a 6mm awning bead I could then slide it into the van Awning rail and while its holding itself up I could set up the poles and guy ropes only taking me a few mins and giving great shower, wind and sun protection.

To put this plan into action I had to order Awning Piping 6mm some nylon thread to then proceed to sew the piping to the awning.

Having a trip away meant a chance to test and I must say I am really happy with the results. Don’t think I will be putting it up if its going to be heavy wind or rain but as a small shelter and packing away it will always live in the van for the few times we will use it. The bigger plan is for an inflatable awning for the longer stays but that time isn’t here yet.




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