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An awning rail makes things easy

So this is something I have just not bothered with for no real reason just because it wasn’t a priority, when we had the first awning I used a magnetic strip which worked well but I sold it with the awning and not sure it would have been strong enough for the current solution I have.Read More »

Rear exhaust replacement

Certainly not glamorous or a hard task but thought may be good for some people dipping there toes into saving some money and keeping their van on the road.

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A weeks visit to Islay

With my Mum and Dad coming to visit we decided to take a week’s holiday on Islay. Unsure of exact plans and weather we left things pretty late before booking, this meant that the Ferries were all booked and we just had to go for what was available so bear this in mind if you are planning a trip and book early.

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5th Gear upgrade and more MPG’s

So now being a motor caravan and legally being able to travel at 70mph I often find myself sat between 55mph to 65mph on the motorway as doing long distance with the engine screaming can get a bit tedious.

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Fitting a FASP Swivel and Leisure Battery

So as ever with the van wanting me to spend all my money on it and another trip coming up I changed my double seat to a single which had a swivel base with it. This meant I was now needing to get the drivers seat to swivel for the extra seating space and a handy dandy place to sit while cooking.

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Getting an Awning

So with a few trips in the planning, wanting a bit more space and to be able to have somewhere to store everything from the van once you are set up the search began for an Awning.

My criteria was firstly price and a budget of around £150 secondly I wanted it to either have a bedroom or be big enough to fit a tent inner to allow for trips with a few more people.

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Finding a Van

After 2 years plus without a van, my fingers started twitching and I was weekly keeping an eye out on eBay, Gumtree and any local papers to see if there were any vans.

The only thing I had noticed was they were getting more expensive, including the vans that were not far from heading to the scrap yard. Nothing had really sparked my attention until a holiday, and happened upon a van less than a mile from where we were staying on gumtree that looked very good although pricey. So called up instantly for a viewing.

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My van history Part 1

After previously owning three T4’s, the first was bought off eBay unseen as a shell without an engine not a recommended way but they were so far out of my price range budget dictated it, I had sourced a caddy 1.9 engine and fitted it with my dad within a week and got myself on the road.Read More »

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